Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Thursday, August 2, 2007
youtube "final" test
So apparently if you include a link that contains the full path, you'll see the video in bloglines
Do I have to add the link for a YouTube Video?
Paris Amor by Steve
Notes on posts below
The one below that is an flv created from an mp4 which was created from a wmv
The wmv was the original file and is smaller
One of the more "annoying" things is that if the earlier post is clicked on the most recent post will play, grrrr. Ergo (I love to use Ergo), pop-up players are a nice touch
:-) Steve
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
This is getting ridiculuous, but I'm curious
Now I'm just pushing it...
Testing this Bad Boy
An flv player for a video and links to the .mov and .wmv files for download/aggregator purposes...let's see what happens.
Embedding a YouTube vid/Aggregators
Just a test of YouTube for embedding a video in a blog, then seeing how the aggregators do or do not deal with it.
Video from YouTube, created by Michael Wesch
Monday, July 30, 2007
vblog test
Don't mind me, I'm just working on adding a video file to this blog. I love screencasting and have been using TechSmith's Camtasia for a couple of years now...maybe one day I'll get to be good at it. I enjoy making vids but those file sizes are a bear...usually my content goes on a streaming server that I don't control, but I want to explore a bit with things.
The above is a screencast of a PowerPoint presentation, I opened PowerPoint and used Camtasia 4 to record the screen as I spoke. After recording I produced the video as several diferent types of files, the one above is a .flv from a .wmv. From there I uploaded the video to and took the code that site generated and pasted into blogger...that's it.
A nice tutorial on how to do this is located on the freevlog site...very easy to follow screencasts for PC and Mac.
Camtasia - -
blogger -
Freevlog -
Enjoy, Steve
Sunday, July 29, 2007
No Work for Daddy Today
Thursday, July 26, 2007 tagometer "test"
Nothing much to write about, but here it goes
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
rci script test
Ok...this "should" be the one...
This file is a practice recording of the script that I'm going to have everyone read in class tonight. No it doesn't say how wonderful I am :-) it's just a practice script for a library podcast. (mp3)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
rci yet again test#3
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
That Steve is crazy...
Steve Said the following at
Well back to meebo, I've got IMs to handle...
What an Internet Addict
Monday, July 16, 2007
test #1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec sed nibh. In enim mauris, ultrices a, accumsan sit amet, porttitor quis, dui. Aliquam vulputate. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus enim. Cras ut magna sed tellus aliquet rhoncus. Proin scelerisque varius massa. Nulla dolor tellus, pellentesque at, porttitor non, ultrices sit amet, ipsum. Quisque fringilla metus nec ante. Mauris tincidunt volutpat ipsum. Etiam accumsan turpis ut velit. Pellentesque consectetuer porta est. Integer convallis dui. Etiam sit amet mauris ac dolor faucibus aliquam. Etiam turpis nibh, hendrerit sodales, suscipit id, faucibus ut, dolor. Vestibulum scelerisque, metus ut sagittis faucibus, sapien eros eleifend nisl, ut mollis lorem leo vel diam.
Quisque in nulla id purus egestas iaculis. Pellentesque adipiscing. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec lacus urna, pellentesque at, nonummy vel, convallis in, nibh. Sed consectetuer lorem. Praesent vestibulum lorem id metus. Curabitur ullamcorper felis at dui. Sed consequat erat vel lorem. Vivamus nibh. Cras eget eros. Donec justo. Sed ultricies, nulla vitae condimentum bibendum, dui odio adipiscing pede, non varius ante ligula in erat. Aenean sapien. Vestibulum a leo interdum mauris sodales varius.
Nulla facilisi. Donec congue, ligula vel euismod faucibus, justo purus ultrices pede, non facilisis ligula tellus sed nisl. Mauris augue. Nulla facilisi. Sed gravida. Vivamus tincidunt pretium sem. Ut nec justo. Etiam porta est et tortor. Mauris pede. Fusce varius, augue eget posuere rutrum, diam ante lacinia nulla, vel tempor metus elit elementum ante. Nam nonummy quam.